Friday, June 24, 2011

Fresh Spring Baptist-Anniversary Event

Fresh Spring Baptist Church is celebrating their anniversary and are graciously taking up an offering for Peasant Saints. Pastor David Catoe has been very supportive of our ministry and we have been deeply encouraged by his example as a pastor who leads his flock with an evangelistic zeal. Feel free to stop by!

Friday, 7pm
Pastor Travis Cardwell
Fellowship to follow: ice cold watermelon

Saturday, 7pm
Pastor Bill Streger
Fellowship to follow: Homemade Ice Cream

Sunday, 11am
Pastor David Catoe

Sunday, 6pm
Bro Cody Trevino
BBQ and water slide (slide will be up early at 5pm)

FSBC will be presenting the Peasant Saints w/ a love offering to purchase
a video camera and to purchase Bibles and tracts with a goal of $350+.

David Catoe
Fresh Spring Baptist Church
Angleton, TX

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